India's No.1 True Presence Sensor and Sensor Lighting Solutions Provider
Truly Sensing You!
True Presence Sensing Technology for Every Space!
Whether it’s optimizing energy efficiency in corporate offices, ensuring comfort in hospital rooms, maintaining focus in educational institutions, or enhancing safety in residential spaces, Trueisense offers precision-driven solutions for every need.
Hospitals Facilites
TRUEiSENSE's application in Hospital facility not only results reduction in Operational Costs but also reduces the energy consumption. TRUEiSENSE's True Presence Sensors and Lightings are commonly installed in common areas, wardrooms, corridors, life lobbies, rest rooms etc.
Corporate Buildings
There is no better use of TRUEiSENSE's True Presence Sensors and Sensor Lighting than use in Corporate Buildings. Works Best with its HVAC system and reduces Energy Bills along with its operational costs & thiks makes TRUEiSENSE, Corporate's Favourite.
Residentials Estates
TRUEiSENSE's True Presence Technology has its remarkable impact on Energy Bills as well as Security System for Residences. Our True Presence Technology ensures that light in indoor parking area, common area, corridors and staircase are only activated when it detects the human presence. this directly have impact on energy bills and co2 emission, also have indirect impact on security system.
Warehouse and Manufacturig Industry
Warehouse and Manufacturing Industry is that part of our Civilisation where both energy consumption and energy wastage is at extreme level. TRUEiSENSE's True Presence Sensing Technology cools downs the wastage on operational costs and make sures the minial energy consumption.